What a privilege to be working with some of the most recognized and artistic designers in Colorado. Kelly Carpenter from
Haus Design- offers simplicity and uniqueness in the Modern/Contemporary design genre. Val, From YK Stone Center, worked closely with Kelly on this 16' bar top, which is made of
Neolith material, Basaltblack is the color choice. The mitred edges are clean with very tight seams. The flexibility of this material allows for a curve of the bar be from a single sheet, creating a seamless, timeless look. This bar is a bold and dynamic statement in the room- second to the collection car ofcoarse.
![Luxe magazine winter 2015 back cover. yk stone center val](/userfiles/100243/images/hous-design-yk-stone-center-denver-showroom.jpg)
(above- Val excited about the project being on the back cover of the Luxe Magazine Winter 2015 issue).